Sunday, July 22, 2012

day four . . . We puke for science.

Since the flight on Wednesday had been postponed--the first group of teachers (Miss P, Mrs. Stalker, & Miss Isonhood) flew Thursday morning.  Veronica & I were to fly that afternoon.  To say everyone was extremely excited would be an understatement.  They went into the briefing room at 8:05 AM, got their medication (shots), and got briefed on different procedures . . . and then boarded the airplane.  :)

G-Force One takes off!!!!  YEAHHH!!!  While they were gone, we ate Subway sandwiches at 10:30 (because we didn't want to eat anything with spices or too near the time of our departure).  We also made signs to hold up when the airplane got back to Ellington Field.
They made it back safely after about a two hour flight, and had a great time!  :)  Thumbs up says Miss P!!  :)  So, of course I got more and more anxious as our time to fly approached.  We went into the briefing room, and then we were told that the weather conditions had worsened . . . we would not be flying today, plan B-we fly on Friday morning.  I was a lot disappointed, I felt I was ready, but I guess I'll just have to be ready in the morning too.

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